The Guild of the Servants of the Sanctuary (GSS safeguarding policy has been formed primarily by adopting the Church of England’s policy statement on Promoting a Safer Church with its six overarching policy commitments.
- Promoting a safer environment and culture.
- Safely recruiting and supporting all those with any responsibility relating to children, young people and vulnerable adults within the Church.
- Responding promptly to every safeguarding concern or allegation.
- Caring pastorally for victims/survivors of abuse and other affected persons.
- Caring pastorally for those who are the subject of concerns or allegations of abuse and other affected persons.
- Responding to those that may post a present risk to others.
GSS does so in the following ways.
- Promoting a Safer Environment.
- Safely recruiting and supporting. The GSS is not responsible for any activities with children, young people of vulnerable adults and there is therefore no DBS eligibility for any of its employees or volunteers. Employees and volunteers are appointed following an appropriate selection process and supported in their roles.
- Responding Promptly
The GSS has appointed Councillor Joan Joyce as Safeguarding Officer. Any matters of concern or allegations are to be made to the responsible officers. They will then liaise with the necessary Parish or Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor as and where necessary.
4/5 GSS is committed to caring pastorally to: (
- a) People who attend any of its events
(b) Its volunteers
(c) Its Members
6 Responding When an individual attending an event run by GSS presents a risk to others this will be dealt with by the staff member in charge of the event and reported to the Safeguarding Officer. Appropriate action will be agreed to prevent the individual attending any future events. The Foundation of this Safeguarding Policy is a respect for all. The importance of treating people as equals, never to accept bullying or harassment or any form of prejudice, an acknowledgement that everyone is created equally in the sight of God. If any item of concern is raised through 5 and 6 then a referral would be made, initially to the Safeguarding Officer and then to external agencies as required. The consent of an adult victim/survivor to refer to external agencies will be sought. Their links to all the Diocesan Safeguarding Teams are available here.
Church In England
Bath and Wells Diocese
Birmingham Diocese
Blackburn Diocese
Bristol Diocese
Canterbury Diocese
Carlisle Diocese
Chelmsford Diocese
Chester Diocese
Coventry Diocese
Derby Diocese
Durham Diocese
Ely Diocese
Europe Diocese
Exeter Diocese
Gloucester Diocese
Hereford Diocese
Leeds Diocese
Lichfield |Diocese
Leicester Diocese
Lincoln Diocese
Liverpool Diocese
London Diocese
Manchester Diocese
Newcastle Diocese
Norwich Diocese
Oxford Diocese
Peterborough Diocese
Rochester Diocese
Portsmouth Diocese
Salisbury Diocese
St Albans Diocese
St Edmundsbury and Ipswich Diocese
Southwark Diocese
Southwell & Nottingham Diocese
Sodor and Man Diocese
Sheffield Diocese
Truro Diocese
Winchester Diocese
Worcester Diocese
York Diocese
Church In Wales
Bangor Diocese
LLandaff Diocese
Monmouth Diocese
St. Asaph Diocese
St. David’s Diocese
Swansea & Brecon Diocese